About Us
We are a one-stop shop for focused marketing solutions targeted at the Nigerian Diaspora. We provide tools, resources and information that provide insights and enhance the understanding and awareness of the Nigerian Diaspora. Our assets are built off technology solutions that enable us aggregate the Nigerian Diaspora and get better insight into their size, location, demographics and preferences, etc. Some of our technology solutions include websites, apps, newsletters, directories, etc.
We use insights from our interactions with the Diaspora to provide research, enhance awareness and develop marketing solutions for businesses and organizations that want to effectively reach and engage with them. We also work to quantify the financial, social and political potential of the Nigerian Diaspora and highlight them as valuable resources for companies and organizations in their home and host countries that can be leveraged to expand markets, increase revenue and gain brand recognition.
Nigeriandiaspora.com is an initiative of NGEX, LLC and contributes to the overall vision of the business which is to fundamentally shift the way information about Nigeria and Nigerians is found, shared and applied.